Teaching and learning

The school will implement 3 types of assessment during the academic year :
Diagnostic Assessment: the school will use diagnostic assessment to establish prior knowledge and to inform teachers of how to design and implement the curriculum to best meet the needs of all students. It will take place:

  • At the beginning of each term
  • At the beginning of each unit.

The data from these assessments will be compared to demonstrate student progress.
Diagnostic assessment will be clearly linked to the curriculum, demonstrating prior learning and any gaps in knowledge of previously taught information.

Formative Assessment:
The school will implement the formative assessment as assessment For Learning. It will be an ongoing process throughout each unit of work and will be evident in each lesson. Formative assessment will include peer and self‐assessment by students. It is ongoing and provides evidence of and for progression in learning.

It supports learning through identifying difficulties, providing feedback and diagnosing future learning priorities learning.

Pre and Post Unit Assessment

Class work



Oral Discussion


Short Recall Test

Practical Project-STEM


Low stake quizzes

1-minute reflection

Student-generated questions

Online discussion forums

Summative Assessment:
the school will implement the summative assessment as Assessment OF Learning. It is used mainly to measure performance and identifies the standard of students’ attainment.

It is carried out at the end of a period of learning( End of each unit – end of term):

  • Internal School Examinations – 3 times a Year
  • Project-based /performance task
  • Interim assessments
  • Mock Exams
  • Progress test-Checkpoint examination.

EYFS Assessment:
Formative assessments are classroom observations to identify students’ interests or abilities.
Summative assessment is used to give a summary of students’ achievements at a particular point in time so that their progress can be tracked.
The EYFS Profile is a summative assessment of each student’s achievement at the end of the Foundation Stage.

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